What exactly is mail.ru? If you believe you know everything there is to know about the Russian email mail.ru, you should reevaluate the matter since you know very little about this dreadful site, which allows everyone in the world to create free Russian emails.

If the situation appeals to you, you should go to the Russian e-mail, but first, let me shock you with some information about the Russian e-mail: all that most people know about the Arabic content is to create a Russian e-mail and link it to Facebook, which we assumed would protect the account from disruption or hacking.
What is Russian email?
Russian e-mail or the most famous Russian site in Russia, mail.ru. It was or the appearance of the Russian email in 1998, and like any start of a technology company at that time, the beginning was very difficult, and this was due to financial problems, and who would have expected that a website would be worth billions of dollars after some years.Some people think that the Russian site is an email only, but in fact there are many services provided by the site and this site manages many other services, most notably, or the most famous are: Vkontakte , Odnoklassniki , and Moi Mir , and you can say This company is the beating heart of the Internet in Russia.
Russian email services
Mail Row, or Russian email as it is known in Arabic content, offers a variety of services, the most important of which is hosting the free email, also known as the free Russian email, and Mail Roe can be compared to the Russian Google, because, as we all know, Russia and the United States of America have zero trust in each other. As a result, in Russia, mail ru is used instead of Gmail, and more than 90% of visitors to the site are from Russia, with the rest coming from all over the world. However, the site has gained popularity in several Arab nations, but the site does not want to add additional languages at this time.
Features of Russian email
With many features that you will not find on any other site, even Google, but at the same time there are some things that are not good in Russian email, but let’s stay positive and let’s see the most important features in Russian email.
- Creating a Russian email on the site is free.
- The site can be used for free in any country in the world, although it only supports the Russian language.
- The site cares about privacy very much, which is why it is better than Gmail in terms of spying.
- The Russian e-mail can be used to register on any site without problems.
- Sometimes you can create an unlimited number of Russian emails without a phone number.
- You can send Inbox messages by Russian email without problems.
- Complete protection, almost impossible to hack or hack the Russian account.
Despite the presence of all these features on the site, it has some flaws, and I see the most important flaw in the site is the support for other languages, and so far I have not understood why this large site does not want to expand in the world, perhaps it preserves the principles or the like Or it could be pressure from the Russian government, I don’t know!!
Russian account usage
Although it is like any email service, there are some things that made me use Russian email instead of any other mail service, and the most prominent thing is the spam messages!!! And who among us does not suffer from the annoying messages that are sent on a daily basis to gmail or other emails.But on the Russian email, you will only see messages that are sent through the sites that you registered with, such as Facebook, and the Russian email can be used to register on any site without any problems, because it is trusted by all sites, especially Facebook.
Russian email site
As for our Russian email site , we offer you many unique explanations about Russian email, such as creating a Russian email and other similar topics.Also, we talk a lot about topics that talk about creating an email without a phone number and related topics.