You may register a free email account on Hotmail 2022. If you’re seeking a simple way to make a free email, you’ve come to the correct place because I’ll show you how to do it fast and easily.
Create a free email
If you want to create a free email, you should know that there are many email services and each service provides an additional feature, but most of these services are free, and you can create a Russian account for free for example, and it is not limited to one service.
You can create a Yahoo email for free, or you can choose any mail service you want, knowing that Gmail is the best email you can get, but it is up to you and your desire, and in this topic, we will see how to create a free email on Hotmail.
Create a free email on Hotmail (
In one of the topics I did earlier about creating a Hotmail account without a phone number, I spoke and said that Hotmail is the same as Outlook, and they all belong to the same company, which is Microsoft. And now I will give you the steps that you must take in order to create a free email on Outlook.
1- Open the Microsoft email creation page , and click on Create one.

2- On the next page, you’ll input your personal information, such as your name, surname, and phone number, among other things. It’s best to enter your true information because you’ll need it if you lose your account and need to recover it.
3- Switch to the Use your email option if you want to access the email service in this way:

4- Or use the option to use the phone number instead of the email to register using your phone number, and this is better in terms of security:

5- Now click on next to save this information and start creating a free email.

This explanation was about creating a free email account on Hotmail, but as I previously stated, you can choose another service and use the temporary email to create a Facebook account or any other account. In any case, you are free to make your own decision.
Safer ways to create a free email
There are a lot of websites on the Internet that give free e-mail, and I can’t name them all, but if you search for “e-mail” in a search engine, you’ll find a lot of companies that do.
In any case, creating a free e-mail is not difficult and you do not need to be a genius until you do this, and we hope that we have helped you with this explanation.